This 7 Crystal Set can be used to manifest the life of your dreams. The included crystals are Rose Quartz, Malachite, Clear Quartz, Pyrite, Citrine, Apatite, and Garnet.
Manifest Abundance Cocktail Crystals:
- Rose Quartz - It promotes unconditional love by restoring trust and harmony in relationships. Rose Quartz cleanses and opens the heart on all levels, encouraging love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing, and feelings of peace. It is calming and reassuring, and it aids in the comfort in times of grief.
- Malachite - Malachite absorbs negative energies and pollutants from the environment and the body. Protects against radiation and eliminates electromagnetic pollution. Malachite cleanses, activates, and attunes the chakras to spiritual guidance. It allows the heart to unconditional love.
- Clear Quartz - This white crystal is known as a "master healer." It is said to boost energy by absorbing, storing, releasing, and controlling it. It's also supposed to help with concentration and memory. Clear crystals are said to help stimulate the immune system and balance the entire body.
- Citrine - This crystal brings joy, awe, delight, and enthusiasm. Improves self-esteem and confidence. Stimulates the brain and helps to strengthen the intellect. Citrine boosts motivation, stimulates creativity, and promotes self-expression.
- Apatite - Increases knowledge and truth while alleviating sadness, apathy, and anger. Apatite aids in calcium absorption, assisting cartilage, bones, and teeth; healing bones, and encouraging the formation of new cells. It alleviates arthritis and joint pain.
- Garnet - It energizes, purifies, and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as needed. It arouses feelings of love and devotion. Garnet restores emotional balance and balances the sex drive. It awakens and strengthens the survival instinct, instilling courage and hope.
- Pyrite - This has long been regarded as a powerful protection stone, shielding the wearer from both negative energy and environmental pollutants. As a result, this stone promotes physical well-being as well. Pyrite strengthens the mind and willpower by stimulating the second and third chakras.
Manifest Abundance Cocktail
To make these crystals a part of your daily routine and get a chance to reap all the benefits, you can follow these 5 tips on how you can use it on your daily living routine.
1. Set an intention for your crystal.
When working with a crystal, the first thing you should do is program it with an intention. Hold the crystal in your hands, close your eyes, and take three deep breaths to program it. Then, either aloud or mentally, say, "I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming." I command this crystal to hold the intention of [fill in the blank with your intention].”Finally, say thank you three times to emphasize that what you're requesting already exists in the universe.
2. Put on your crystals.
Wearing precious stones is a wise strategy because the more you touch them, the more you can tap into their energy. And these days, crystals can be found in just about anything: jewelry, beauty products, clothing, you name it.3. Place them in your purse or pocket.
Put one in your pocket or purse if wearing crystals isn't your thing, or if you just want to start small on your gemstone journey. Use it as a touchstone to help you stay grounded throughout the day.4. Meditate alongside them.
Meditate while holding your crystals to connect with their metaphysical powers to boost your spiritual energy. You are not making a prayer to the crystals. You're holding them as a source of connection within yourself.5. Design a crystal layout.
Healing crystal experts recommend creating a crystal layout in the morning before you get out of bed to mentally and energetically start your day off right.Crystals and other types of energy work are not to be considered as a substitute for traditional medical treatment.